Vic Turnbull
Vic Turnbull is the Founder of MIC, the only social enterprise in the UK that exists to help underrepresented people to amplify their voices through podcasts and audio. Vic says “It’s my experience and frustrations that have prompted me to start MIC. I feel that the media is mostly fuelled by nepotism and expensive degrees as routes into the industry.
Recently people, have started talking about a gender pay gap in podcasting. I’d go further – I believe there’s a gap in the socio economic diversity of podcasters and I that this affects the quality of podcasts. As a Yorkshire lass from a working class background with zero industry connections, that worked unpaid internships throughout uni and college, whilst working in pubs and McDonalds, I know all about that.
I’m often disappointed when I listen to podcasts or radio, and hear the same types of voices speak to me. We need more diverse voices! The opportunity for these worlds to collide is so exciting and…unique!”
Who have you helped/ who will you help?
““I help good causes to tell their stories better through podcasts. This includes making podcasts for them or training to make their own (so that their skills remain in house!). It also contributes to diversifying those voices, opinions and talent in podcasts and the podcast industry. When it comes to good causes, many don’t have the time or resources to shout about their incredible outcomes that could get them more support, or they have lines in their budgets for expensive marketing that is ineffective.
So far, MIC has delivered workshops to 100 participants, including women in social enterprise, young disadvantaged people from Stockport and a group of older people from across Greater Manchester as part of a community reporters project.
I’ve also produced podcasts for Flourish CIC, the Children’s University, Manchester City Council and the The Pankhurst Trust. I also run physical meetups or the podcaster community and has over 250 members!”
What’s worked?
“Harnessing the medium of podcasting and breaking down barriers to entry. Also, sharing how easy it is to listen to and make podcasts and the cost effective ways to make an impact.”
What have you learnt? Any challenges?
“The big challenge is helping people overcome the ‘I don’t even know how to listen to a podcast’ barrier. I’ve found that making everything dead simple to understand is the way forward. For example, during a workshop I did with a group of older people from Greater Manchester, most of them told me that podcasts ‘weren’t for them’. Twenty minutes later, after I’d showed them how to find podcasts on their phones, they were browsing and listening to them! Most of us are walking around with access to thousands of podcasts – right in our pockets. I’m on a mission to help people discover this incredible and varied world.”
What’s next?
“Getting a team together to really take forward the MIC Mission of amplifying underrepresented voices and talent in podcasting! I have big ambitions for MIC. No one is currently doing anything like this! I’m so excited for the future – I can’t see myself doing anything else!
What help, resources or contacts do you need?
“Get in touch if you would like commission podcast training, if you want to learn how to make a podcast, or want one making for you!”
Why we’re sharing these stories
An individual or organisation from each of our five categories will be recognised at our Igniting Inspiration recognition event in November, but we want to publish all relevant stories to spread awareness of all the positive work that goes on in the North!
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