Headshot of Anna Simmonds

Anna Simmonds

Anna Simmonds has been nominated by IWC member Rachel Barber. Rachel says “Anna was recruited to support me with my severe hearing loss. I set up a business and needed someone to do calls with me, take notes, helps me fill the gaps from me mishearing, etc. Anna has done all of this very well.

But Anna has also stepped up to support me in areas I have little expertise in such as social media and marketing. She has offered help to others including Anj Handa in IWC.

Anna is as keen as me to see the Living 4 Moments thrive supporting care homes to provide choice and tailored stimulation to their residents.”

Our 2020 Igniting Inspiration Campaign is proudly sponsored by

Who has she helped/who will she help?

“Anna has helped me with marketing and to keep the business going with me.  I started the business at a really bad time in terms of planned trading- just when care homes closed in the first lockdown. However, the need for residents is still there, and if not more so, as loneliness has grown.

With Anna’s continued marketing, a home will eventually take up our offer. Through this, we can show what we can deliver, which will have a massive social impact. We have already identified several key social impacts our business will have on homes by reducing loneliness we will also increase occupancy, reduce staff turnover, reduce falls, etc.

This is another example of where Anna stepped up as we saw the importance of evidencing how our work will save businesses money and have a positive social impact.”

What’s worked?

“Anna has kept me going in what I believe in and will do my best to see Living 4 Moments succeed. As a team, it has been easier to keep morale up and to continue to come up with new ideas on how we can support homes in these challenging times.”

Anna says “Working in a team environment has always been important to me, as well as working for a company I believe in the ethos of. I have always tried to work for companies that I wholeheartedly agree with as I believe that is how you work your best when you’re passionate about what you do.

This is why I have nearly always worked in care or in the Veterinary industry – I genuinely love working with animals & with people who need help.”

What has she learned? Any challenges?

Anna says “I have learned so much in only 22 years! I genuinely believe that every challenge I have come across (and there have been a few) only builds you into a stronger, more resilient and more understanding person.

I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME and have had since I was around aged 15. The obstacles that this has thrown at me have been never-ending – but I wouldn’t have half the skills I have now without it.

For example, my organisational/time management skills have had to be impeccable to manage my energy levels but it’s one of my best personality traits… or my worst as my other half has found if he’s not on schedule! I’m still learning every day.”

What’s next?

“Anna says “My main skill-set lies in marketing and social media. I’d love to go back into education to really grow my knowledge around it and be able to help as many SMEs as possible, as long as I totally align with what they’re trying to do/their ethos.

I’d also love to at some point work with other disabled women to try and encourage them/help them into work, as I know how hard it can be.”

Why we’re sharing these stories

Each year, an individual or organisation from each of our five categories plus one exceptional judges’ choice individual is recognised at our annual Igniting Inspiration celebration event.

We publish each and every nomination to raise awareness of all the positive work that goes on in the North. While, this year, our physical event had to be deferred, our campaign to spread stories of positive social impact continues – good news is needed!