Jackie Snape
Jackie Snape is the Chief Executive of Disability Action Yorkshire. She has been nominated by Andrew Glen, a Trustee of the charity.
He says: “Jackie has worked for Disability Action Yorkshire for 17 years, with the last 11 years in the post of Chief Executive. She originally trained as a nurse but has spent most of her working life in the charity sector.
Disability Action Yorkshire works with disabled people to achieve their aspirations, whatever they may be, and Jackie is passionate about ensuring that the organisation delivers the best possible service to each and every person.”
Who has she helped?
“Disability Action Yorkshire has been around for 80 years and has worked with countless numbers of people in that time. That work could be getting a disabled person into work, providing a personal assistant so that they can get on with their daily lives, or campaigning for better access or services.”
What’s worked?
“Listening to what people want is vital. When Jackie started with the charity it was very much run around the needs of the staff rather than the customers. Now it’s the other way around. The culture needed to change, and it has.”
What has she learned? Any challenges?
“It’s not a level playing field for disabled people and there are still barriers and prejudices that stop them integrating fully. Challenges will always exist and it’s best to approach them head on and not to simply accept them.
Build up contacts, use the knowledge and experience in your team and do all that you can to change that that needs to change.”
What’s next?
“Earlier this year, Jackie unveiled the charity’s five-year vision – Realising Aspiration. This delivers the aim that by 2023 the organisation will be a recognised voice in ensuring that disabled people have equal access to services, homes, work and fulfilled lives.
She fully intends to strengthen that voice so it is heard much further than the local area.”
What advice, contacts or resources would help?
“Jackie seeks and takes advice, knowledge and learning from all quarters and with the charity being over 80 years old, there is plenty of resources and expertise to draw from.
Her mantra is to always use the tools at her disposal and never ignore any advice freely given. And of course more money from central and local government would also help greatly!”
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