Vikki Bryant
Vikki Bryant has been nominated by the Headteacher of Hunslet Carr Primary School. They say “We have known Vikki since she started working at our school four years ago.
Back then, she lacked confidence and self-belief in herself and her ability to make a difference to the lives of the children and families who come to our school, many from significantly deprived backgrounds.
Over the last four years, we have seen her grow and everyone in school now sees that Heart of Gold we saw in her at her interview.
Who has she helped?
“Vikki’s talent is working with and supporting the very young children who attend our Nursery and Reception classes who have Special Educational Needs or Disabilities.
Over the last four years, Vikki has worked with children who are autistic, blind, have physical disabilities and some who with behaviour needs.
Every day she comes to school with the biggest smile on her face ready to show the children and families she works with patience, understanding and a positive attitude.”
What’s worked?
“This year Vikki has supported a young boy with autism who found starting Nursery very challenging. Understandably this is also a particularly difficult time for parents, wondering how their child will cope.
Together, as a team, Vikki, the young boy and the parents have had the most amazing year together, laughing and crying and sharing so many highs.”
What has she learnt? Any challenges?
“Despite not having the easiest of years in her home life, Vikki has showed me the difference one person can make to someone else’s life. Through an unwavering desire to always give the children the best start in life, Vikki truly has shown she has Heart of Gold.”
What’s next?
“Vikki will be supporting the same boy as he moves to Reception and starting the process of developing his (and his family’s) independence so that he can do things for himself as he prepares for the next stage in school.”
What advice, contacts or resources would help?
“My advice to anyone involved in an interview panel for a job that involves human interactions is to hire heart and then train smart. If we had simply chosen the most qualified candidate the day Vikki came to our school we would have missed out on someone truly special.”
Why we’re sharing these stories
An individual or organisation from each of our five categories will be recognised at our Igniting Inspiration recognition event in November, but we want to publish all relevant stories to spread awareness of all the positive work that goes on in the North!
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